Mortgage and Real Estate Fraud

“FinCEN offers a unique analytical perspective on mortgage fraud because of our position at the intersection of law enforcement and the financial industry. This perspective will help both constituencies assess the risks to the financial system from their points of view. From this special vantage point, FinCEN has a line of sight into suspicious financial activities across the nation to identify trends and patterns that may not be visible to an individual financial institution or industry, or apparent at the local or even regional level. While the Bank Secrecy Act is most often associated with its considerable power to thwart money launderers, FinCEN intends to continually improve our expert analysis of BSA data to provide early warning to the nation of incipient trends of fraud or other criminal abuse of the financial system.”

-FinCEN Director James H. Freis, Jr., before the Mortgage Bankers Association’s National Fraud Issues Conference (Las Vegas, Nevada; March 16, 2009)



Let us know what you think about FinCEN’s redesigned mortgage fraud page.
FinCEN appreciates and values feedback from our Web site users. Please take a few minutes to give us your opinion on our reorganized mortgage fraud Web page and the introduction of our mortgage fraud SAR datasets. Your feedback will assist us in posting future reports and datasets.